A few words…
Yiannis Papadomichelakis
Yiannis was born in 2007 and grew up on the Greek island of Crete.
Since he first took a coloured pencil in his hand, as a baby, his love for drawing and painting was obvious. We never went out as a family without some paper and pencils. Wherever we went, friends’ homes, cafés, restaurants or to the beach, his tools followed. And when out of paper, paper napkins and place mats took over. After hours and hours of practice, lots and lots of paper, loads of pens and pencils, images started to pop out and his first drawings to shape. With a bit of guessing, the characters he intended to draw started to show to the experienced eye.
As he was growing up, images and characters became clearer, in ever more beautiful and complete compositions. Works inspired by comic books, games, video games and cartoons questioned our common dismissal of TV programmes, magazines from the corner shop or action heroes; Yiannis proved they can be sources of inspiration. Eddie from the covers of Iron Maiden albums, who was featured in many of his works, came as a surprise. At a certain point, sheets of paper, sketching pads, pencils and markers were merely not enough to satisfy his endless need for creation. Building blocks, the favourite game of young and old, came into the picture. This led to 3-D images. Large building blocks at first, Lego next. Innumerable hours of creation and fun with innumerable Lego bricks that never seemed to suffice. Then came Minecraft, providing the abundance that satisfied Yianni’s needs. He could create endlessly on a PC or a tablet, without frustration over lacking paper, broken pencil tips or drying markers.
His imagination reached new levels; 3-D figures, buildings and texts came to life on the two-dimensional screen, complete with colour, texture and shade. In all these years he never agreed to study new techniques or attend painting and art seminars. Glimpses of works by famous artists such as Picasso, Van Gogh, Da Vinci, Munch, Dali, Michelangelo, Warhol or Gaudi in Google Images and time spent painting together as a family – everything but random or unintentional, something that only now, reading this text, will he realize – might have contributed to his evolution.
To this day, Yiannis goes on breathing life into paper and building worlds on his computer. I would like to believe he will never cease to do so.
Early days...
Ben 10 (2010-2015)
Sponge Bob (2011)
Angry birds (2012)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2013)
Max Steel (2013)
Lego Ninjago (2013)
Gormiti (2015)
Lego Starwars (2015)
Minecraft (2015)
Clash of Clans (2016)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (2016)
Yu-gi-oh (since 2016)
Dragon Ball (since 2015)
Eddie IRON MAIDEN (since 2017)
Clash Royale (2018)
One punch man (since 2018)
Pokemon (2018)
- League of Legends (since 2020)
Baki (since 2020)
One Piece (since 2023)
- Berserk (since 2023)